Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Researching fine art task - 1) an artical from a magazine/periodical

To start with i will appologise  if I go of on a rant but this one got me quite stressed as I had my chosen piece narrowed down to three piece that I felt where of major significance to a) my research and b) to understanding the last few years of Theo's life. they were as follows
  • An artical in the sunday times 22/01/1950 about the exhibition at the Redfern Gallery in which the reviewer/critic compares the dark nature of theos work and compares it to Vincent Van Gogh.
    • This has been impossible to locate due to the fact that newspaper archive run up to 1900 then from the present to 1985, not much use. will try and find out if any of the librarys actual carry papers from the 1950's.
  • The second piece I moved on to was an artical by Wyndham lewis, a rather nasty over opinionated critic who seemed to have an opinion on everything but I am unaware of his responce to theo as this article was in The Listener, which does have a full archive but which can only be accessed by subscription by an institution and not public subscription. Sadly the e-resources does not that this in its list. 
    • The only thing i can do about this is Email Anna to see if she can arrange with the library to add this to its subscription. not just for me but i feel it would be a good resource to have that will benefit all. this Email has been sent.
  • My third choice was an article by Mathew Smith who also makes reference to Theo and Van gogh so it is a possibility that this could be the same author of the Sunday times article but as I can not get hold of that at this time i can not say. 
So all in all not much success after four hours of going threw the archive/e-resource with every combination of Garman,Theodore,Epstein,Redfern Gallery 1950's London papers ect. but I will not be beat but instead will move on to the second task and continue with my madness tomorrow.

Below you will see the one and only article that I could find on the e-resorces that even mentioned Theo's exhibitions.

Talk of the Trade: Son of Epstein The Independent, October 14 1989, Saturday, Weekend Collecting ; Pg. 41, 211 words, GERALDINE NORMAN


The Independent

October 14 1989, Saturday

Talk of the Trade: Son of Epstein


SECTION: Weekend Collecting ; Pg. 41

LENGTH: 211 words

 THEODORE Garman, whose paintings are on exhibition at the Fine Art Society (148 New Bond Street, London W1), died as a result of pinching a cast from Chelsea Art School's antique room. He would have returned it, of course, he only wanted it for a painting. But the principal called the police. Once his mental instability was recognised, he was sent to hospital, but died of a heart attack in the ambulance. That was in 1954 when he was 30 years old.
 This memorial exhibition combines his explosively colourful paintings with sculptures by his father, Jacob Epstein, and has been organised, following his mother's death, by her friend, Beth Lipkin, to whom most of the pictures were left.
 The paintings are a revelation, hidden from the public since his two successful exhibitions at the Redfern Gallery in 1950 and 1952. Matthew Smith compared him to Van Gogh. Wyndham Lewis wrote in The Listener: 'On entering the gallery you are overwhelmed by a rancid vegetation, tropically gigantic . . .
 A little concentration on individual pictures will soon reveal how excellent is the workmanship.' Kenneth Clark was enthusiastic when he saw some hanging in Epstein's home. Prices range from pounds 3,000 to pounds 12,000.
 Weekend Collecting Page 41

LOAD-DATE: September 28, 2000


Copyright 1989 Independent Print Ltd

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