Thursday, 9 February 2012

outside the white cube - illustrated talk with Ian Brown

I actually found this talk very interesting not so much for the curating aspect but for the artist and projects discussed. some of the artist which interested me where,

Heather and Ivan Morison
I used to love her, but look what she's done. I hate her. I hate her.

David Cunningham Projects, San Francisco, USA

The simplicity of this piece plus the clever way in which the artists sent out the post cards anonymously to the guests of the up coming exhibition giving no clue as to who it was from. made them part of it as they would attend and then see this anonymous post card. (badly explain, but then I'm not good with words)


This website is a must to look at, but i wont say why check it out and see. but here are a couple of my favorites.

Nothing ever happens here follow this link to read the daily mail article Ian Brown told us about in this lecture. 
Typical tabloid B******t reporting, write the article before you actually research or find out what is actually happening, 'who needs the truth when you can just make stuff up', that should be the tabloids mantra. Rant over.

Stolen Flesh
tree, rope, hessiam sack, resin, paint, wood


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