Tuesday, 22 November 2011

I came across this website today that i thought might be useful to all :)


the click | We 

Rery, illustrator and art blogger, dreamed of sharing his heart calls over the Internet. Armelle, web-loveuse and art lover, dreamed of a simple site where to find affordable works of art. It's their meetings with talented young artists was born ARTchipel.com, the e-gallery fresh and affordable.

ARTchipel is a hub of emerging artists, geographically separated but united by their talents and their world. 

Join us | You

The objects can be presented on ARTchipel purchased directly online . ARTchipel strives to provide quality service to its members. If you are an artist or designer and want to present your creations, you can registeron ARTchipel then submit your application . ARTchipel is supported by a group of professionals and amateurs of art, studying together all the files.

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