Sunday, 24 June 2012

I have attended three exhibitions so far this summer, one was the chosen unilateral works for the fringe festive and the second was the Uni Degree show and the third my old colleges end of year show. first I'm going to say a bit about the degree show, which was very disappointing to be honest other then four at the most, i was not overly impressed with the quality of the works. i will say this however i no that some of the works where performance related so i did not see the mane aspect of them as i was unable to attend the opening night due to being at the Leek College exhibition. I could see potential in some of the works but that is not what you expect a a degree show you expect to see potential at college or first year levels but not at graduate level. As i was unimpressed by most of the work, and this is just my opinion, i will just post some picture and details about the works that i liked. 

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Art work I will be doing over summer

Over the summer, I have been looking, so far, at the Boyle family. this amazing, now sadly minus the patriarchal Mark, are one of my all time favourite and inspiration artist. There style of work is something I have created myself in the past and is something I would like to focus more on in my second year, but also keep the Coding aspect from my first year final piece.
The Boyle Family, Earth Piece, 1963-Present

Neon Dichotomies by Patrick Martinez

Currently showing at Known Gallery in LA, Patrick has a broad range of works, but I really dig these neon signs of duality. The message about contradiction being inherent in the nature of man would go nicely in my illegal basement baccarat den.

Due to finishing of first year work load and exhibitions, and other excuses :P i have been away from my blog to long and intend, nay will start posting again daily.